Young Moms

Young Moms is a creatively-named um, club?, group?, loose alliance?, of young moms (mostly college-educated SAHMS) who live in SoCal and go to the same conservative Episcopal church. We meet in the park every week so the kids can run their wiggles out and we can talk to people who form sentences with more than three words. And now we blog together too!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


So what are you interested in these days? What do you check often?

Here are some fun blogs that I have been checking lately:
Woot - Sells only one item for only one day at a discounted price.
Banterist - Just plain funny.
Boing Boing - "A Directory of Wonderful Things" is their subtitle. I don't quite know how to describe them. Lots of interesting, random, mostly tech news.
Daddy Types - A dad (maybe 2) in New York area who tells stories, cool product ideas and details, etc.
Tiny Kingdom - A hilarious blog by a mom who tells WAY to much about her family of 3 boys.
Baby Roadies - A couple of dads telling stories (not as good as Daddy Types, but sometimes interesting)
And, of course, all of your blogs! :)


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