Young Moms

Young Moms is a creatively-named um, club?, group?, loose alliance?, of young moms (mostly college-educated SAHMS) who live in SoCal and go to the same conservative Episcopal church. We meet in the park every week so the kids can run their wiggles out and we can talk to people who form sentences with more than three words. And now we blog together too!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Living well

So I have a question for all of you: how do you go about living well while raising small children? I think what I mean by that is inclusive of a lot of things...I'll try to list some of what I've been thinking about and would like your thoughts on:

making time for prayer
balancing housework with playing with your kids
how much housework is too much? or not enough?
how much time to spend focused entirely on your kids
getting enough rest so you're not falling apart when hubby comes home
disciplining effectively and being proactive so you don't have to discipline so much
schedules or full flexibility or a combination?
is getting outside (to a park, etc.) just part of a healthy day?

I know that we all work on this and I'm sure we all come up with different ways to balance everything. So I'm just wondering what you guys do! Any thoughts on any of the above (or anything related that you've thought about) I'd love to hear them. Maybe by discussing our various thoughts and strategies, we can all become better moms, eh?


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