Young Moms

Young Moms is a creatively-named um, club?, group?, loose alliance?, of young moms (mostly college-educated SAHMS) who live in SoCal and go to the same conservative Episcopal church. We meet in the park every week so the kids can run their wiggles out and we can talk to people who form sentences with more than three words. And now we blog together too!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Good snacks

Tea with a little bit of honey and milk. It satisfies my sweet tooth and gives me a bit of calcium at the same time. :)

Whole wheat toast (watch the butter, though!)

Cut up veggies and ranch dip (make it with cottage cheese instead of sour cream so it is good for you.)

My big thing is that they snacks have to be EASY. So I try to keep veggies already cut up in the fridge, because I know that when I'm being snacky, I'm not going to want to take the time to cut them up.


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