Young Moms

Young Moms is a creatively-named um, club?, group?, loose alliance?, of young moms (mostly college-educated SAHMS) who live in SoCal and go to the same conservative Episcopal church. We meet in the park every week so the kids can run their wiggles out and we can talk to people who form sentences with more than three words. And now we blog together too!

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Dreft is fun. I've also heard good things about hypoallergenic ALL.

This time around, I'm washing our baby's stuff in Dreft, until the box runs out. Then I'm switching him over to normal, since he's showing no signs of skin allergies. It's a middle-of-the-road approach, that lets him have less irritation when he's really little, but doesn't cost us more than one box of special detergeant.

You can also, generally, use less normal detergeant than is recommended on the side of the box and still get your clothes clean. I think it leaves less residue.



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